Designing offices with glass partitions

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Today's office spaces must be flexible, multifunctional and promote an open working atmosphere. For office design, Glas Marte offers partition systems and swing doors, room-in-room solutions and mobile partitions that meet the highest technical and aesthetic standards.

Open working environments

Glass is the ideal material for modern working environments. It creates visual connections between different work areas and contributes to an open, inviting atmosphere. This encourages communication and teamwork. At the same time, it separates, structures and provides retreats according to need and function. The filigree GM MARTITION® LIGHT glass partition reduces office partitions to the essentials with a timeless, clear design language. The double-glazed partition is flush on both sides, with frame profiles elegantly hidden behind the glass surface. The prefabricated modules can be customised and are available in a range of sizes.

Flexible and multifunctional space design

The mobile GM MARTITION® MONO MOBILE operable glass partition enables quick and easy room design. Different room uses require specific adaptations - whether to accommodate changing team sizes, events or special uses. The freestanding glass partitions support agile working and enhance collaboration. They keep out noise and draughts and provide privacy. They also help prevent the spread of viruses, which is important not only in the workplace but also in common areas and lobbies. The modular partition system is easy to install and just as easy to dismantle.

Room-in-room solutions

In open-plan offices, room-in-room solutions made of glass create separate areas for meetings, concentrated work or relaxation, without impairing the open-plan effect. The transparency maintains the visual connection to the rest of the office and contributes to the sense of community. With the GM MARTITION® Plus modular system, closed, free-standing rooms can be individually realised. The double-glazed partition wall is not only visually appealing thanks to its flush glass front on both sides, it also meets the highest sound insulation requirements with a total sound reduction index (Rres,w) of up to 49 dB, including the door. This means that confidential discussions and concentrated work are also possible in lively open-plan offices. For more privacy, translucent films are available, along with other design options such as full and partial enamelling, GM ICE-H® textured glass or etched glass.

advantages of glass in office design

Glass lends elegance and lightness to any office design. It maximises the use of daylight and promotes a positive working environment. In addition, glass is easy to design and can be combined with other materials. Glass partition walls and room-in-room solutions from Glas Marte create a balance between openness and privacy, dynamically adapt to the requirements of modern working environments and are a key element of future-oriented office concepts.