Between purism and extravagance

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Timeless and modern at the same time, glass has a very special appeal. In its versatility and aesthetics, it is an expression of culture and progress - and an indispensable part of interior design. Glas Marte offers solutions for living concepts that combine technical sophistication with exceptional design - and set trends.

Minimalism in glass design

Current trends in interior glass design range from minimalism to extravagance. The minimalist approach is characterised by neutral colours, simple transparency, simplicity and functionality. Clean lines and simple geometric shapes dominate the design. Glas Marte's simple, frameless glass partitions and filigree glass balustrades perfectly embody this style. The design is reduced to the essentials, while the functional aspects of glass come to the fore: letting light through, separating or structuring spaces. Glass is an ideal material for minimalist design, as it visually enlarges spaces and creates a link between inside and outside. The purity and aesthetics of the material also come to the fore in shower glazing and furniture.

Organic glass design

In contrast is organic design. This style is characterised by natural forms, flowing lines and organic irregularities. Elements inspired by nature are incorporated. Glass in organic design makes use of its unique properties. It plays with light, casts shadows and refracts colour. This brings the material to life and adds dynamism to the living space. Various surface treatment techniques enhance this effect: glass is etched, sandblasted, tinted or given patterns and textures that mimic organic materials. GM ICE-H® is a wonderful example. This designer glass has a fascinating structure that resembles delicate ice crystals and is suitable for a wide range of applications, from shower enclosures and sliding doors to non-slip flooring.

Creativity and individuality

Individual design is also in demand. Artistic realisations that embody exclusivity and originality are particularly sought after. Whether it is design glass with screen or photo printing, vibrant, expressive colours, individually satinised surfaces or precious embroidery laminated between glass – Glas Marte offers a wide range of methods for glass finishing and design. For unique pieces that enrich any interior.


Discover interior solutions from Glas Marte: