Company video
Our company video shows who and what is behind Glas Marte and gives insights into production 4.0.

Clear commitment to
Glas Marte stands for transparency. Uncompromising. We provide a clear view. Not only with our glazing, but also in terms of costs, planning assistance and assembly instructions. So that you don't experience any nasty surprises.
We just like it. Our solutions are practical in use and simple in assembly. Prefabrication in the factory, complete offers and the comprehensive support of our customers from beginning to completion guarantee long-lasting products and satisfied end customers.
Glas Marte does not offer off-the-shelf goods. Our offer scores with innovation and a high degree of aesthetics in order to meet the needs of modern architecture in the best possible way. We monitor closely and set forward-looking trends.
Rudolf Marte founds a carpentry and glassworks at Fischergasse 1 in Bregenz. The start-up capital for the one-man operation: professional skills, the will to work hard and only the necessary tools.
The company increasingly turns to glass processing. Glassworks, glass grinding and, above all, repair glazing predominate. First major orders strengthen the company founder in his chosen path. Rudolf Marte significantly increases the operating areas at Fischergasse 1.
The glass wholesale operation is expanded. New storage problems need to be solved. The post-war period places enormous demands on all those involved, which have to be overcome.
Construction of a new hall at Fischergasse 6. At last the flat glass in the railway wagon can roll into the warehouse. Glas Marte has 20 employees.
The insulating glass plant is constructed in the industrial area at Brachsenweg 39. Glas Marte sets new standards in quality through the special properties of its insulating glass. Glas Marte is the first company in Vorarlberg to produce insulating glass with a double seal. The first generational change is announced: Son-in-law Anton Feigl takes over the management together with his wife Marianne, who holds a trade licence for glaziers and glass cutters, and her sister Irmgard Stefan, who holds a trade licence for wholesale and retail. Glas Marte employs 26 people.
The Glass Construction Department expands. The first in-house developments in the field of sliding systems for balcony glazing are developed. The Insulating Glass Department relocates to new production halls.. Glas Marte becomes market leader in Vorarlberg. The number of employees increases to 45.
Glas Marte expands the production areas to more than 4,000 m². Glass Construction is mainly concerned with self-developed systems. First patents are secured in the point holder area. UNIGLAS GmbH is founded with recognised partner companies in Germany and Austria. The company's own TOPGLAS-GH manufacturing department (safety and sound reduction glass) with the largest production dimensions in Europe starts production. The Insulating Glass Division adopts the brand name UNIGLAS® for all products. Glas Marte has 86 employees.
In summer, Glas Marte starts production of toughened safety glass from its own brand SECURMART®. The company's output is thus significantly expanded once again. Takeover of the management by the third generation.
The new insulating glass plant for UNIGLAS® insulating glass starts operation. Insulating glass elements with a maximum size of 3,210 x 7,200 mm can be produced using a fully automatic production line.
In the spring, the production area will be significantly expanded once again. Since then, production has also been carried out at the second location in Itter, Tyrol.
After completion of the modernisation measures, production in Itter starts to take off. GM LSG LAMIMART® laminated safety glass and GM PRINTMART® screen printing are now available from the company's own production. The high order volume is handled on a total production area of the two plants of about 30,000 m². The production process is more flexible than ever before. Glas Marte thus has the highest performing safety glass plant in Western Austria.

Glas Marte gets fit for the future: More and more business processes are digitized and automated in order to be able to process internal processes and orders more quickly. In addition, the development of a tailor-made ERP system brings an enormous simplification of work in production and administration.
The economic challenges, from corona to the energy crisis, were successfully overcome thanks to the dedicated Glas Marte team under the leadership of CEO Markus Weiskopf and COO Bernhard Feigl, and co-owner Wolfgang Stefan. Bernhard Feigl, and co-owner Wolfgang Stefan. Numerous major projects, continuously increasing customer loyalty and high customer satisfaction, supported by high service quality and advancing digitalisation, offer the best conditions for the future.
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